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Monday, 13 May 2013

Peppermint Foot Scrub

Summer is well on its way so I'm told! So that means its time to start breaking out the sandals and flip flops. My feet aren't the most pretty things so its nice to give them a bit of a pamper.

The Idea Room
The original pin of this is from Amy over at The Idea Room and a post from way back in 2009. Her recent Brown Sugar Scrub recipe looks great too. Think I need to make a pretty label for my scub too!


  • Enough granulated sugar to fill your pot or bottle
  • A swig of olive oil the recipe also says you can use coconut oil
  • A few drops of peppermint essential oil  you could use other oils like vanilla or strawberry like me
  • food colouring optional - see below
  1. Fill your jar or bottle almost all the way with the sugar then tip it in to a bowl
  2. slowly add a a small glug of olive oil and stir you want the sugar to be ever so slightly wet - like damp sand.
  3. As Amy notes in the original post, the olive oil makes the scrub a bit of a yellow colour so I also added a few tiny drops of red food colouring to conceal the colour.
  4. Add a few tiny drops of essential oil.
  5. I didn't have any peppermint essential oil so was going to use some peppermint essence I use for baking instead but then I remembered I had some strawberry essential oil upstairs. Strawberry fits better with the pink colour so I went with that. (NOTE: I did a small tester with the peppermint essence and it was fine too. The only tiny difference I found was that the food flavouring was less oily and a little more watery but as you only need a tiny bit it didn't really make a difference to the overall mixture.)

You have to mix everything in really well or you end up with tiny red flecks where the colouring isn't completely mixed in.

I'll spare you the horror of the pictures of me applying the scrub to my feet but I will say this: my feet feel amazing. A few more rubs with this and a bit of moisturiser and my tootsies will be ready to see the sun.

Oh and because I used the strawberry oil my feet smelt like strawberry & lime Kopparberg cider which puts me in a summer mood ANYWAY! So I'd definitely say:

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