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Saturday, 29 June 2013

100 things to do this summer! Free Printable

Stuck for how to entertain the kids in the 6 weeks holidays? Here's my list of 100 things to do this summer in a handy free download!
Well summer holidays are almost upon us (unless you are in Scotland and are enjoying them already!) So I've been thinking about way to entertain this kids this summer. I've seen loads of posts on Pinterest listing 100 things to do this summer. 75% Of the suggestions are awesome. The problem I've come across is some of the things listed I've never heard of (pull taffy? play cornhole?) or things we can't really do (catching fireflies, watch fireworks on 4th of July).

So I decided to combine the best of these many lists and added a few more of my own.
As I was going back through my list I found I had duplicated a few things so ended up with 5 free spaces. Rather than make up 5 more things I've left them blank to fill in with things we might like to do at a later date.

Feel free to download and print off and let me know how you got on! 
Let summer BEGIN!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Festival Time! (Part II - The Aftermath)

Well last Saturday was our village festival. And the weather stayed fine (for the most part!)
The day started with myself and the kids traipsing up to the village hall to hand in our handicraft entries. All 6 of them.
It was the first time EVER we had entered and didn't really know the drill but we muddled through. We duly registered them all and set them up. Fluff (my son) entered a "computer generated picture" and a Lego model. His Lego model was actually a case for my Raspberry Pi so it served a purpose afterwards.
Bird (my daughter entered 3 items; Again some "computer generated art", a small tote bag that she had made herself (supervised by me on the sewing machine I might add!) and some gingerbread men. We had a bit of a panic when we went to put our gingerbread men out as the other entries were on nice plates with doilies and were all decorated. We didn't have time to decorate ours and forgot a plate. So we just had to put them out on the lid of the box we brought them in and hoped for the best.
The village hall

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Festival Time!

Apologies for the lack of posts of late. I've been super busy preparing for our annual village festival this weekend!

Its a proper old fashioned English village fair with crowning of the Festival Queen, a procession of floats, funfair, handicraft show in the village hall (O hai Kirsty Allsopp), pet show and tug of war on the green. I love it. Its one of my favourite things about living in a village. Everyone gets together and has a good time.

I've spent many hours this past fortnight up at school painting, glueing and doing all sorts to help get our school float ready for the procession on Saturday.

Village festival float
Our School's float last year (If you squint you can see me on it!)
I've also been helping my kids with their entries for the village Handicrafts and Produce Show that coincides with the festival. And the boy-childs interesting choice of costume for the Fancy Dress contest.
AND on top of all that my eldest goes off on her first ever Cubs camp at the weekend too!
Anyway, normal service will be resumed presently; just let me get this hectic weekend out of the way first!

Photos and whether we were triumphant to follow soon!